Watch for these. They work wonderfully without taking away from your project.
It is time to put some buttons on the latest project. Wouldn't you know it, I have everyone but the right one. It figures . . . and I was so close to finishing. Off to the store to find just the right Hillcreek Buttons, check her website: Have you seen them. They are flat without a glossy finish. She makes most every color that DMC floss comes in and they are fantastic! I find them to be just the right accent. Do you think this one is too small?
Aren't these just the prettest pink carnations you've ever seen?? What luck when I found them at Home Desperate. I have three plants that are just covered. I am not sure how long they bloom but I hope all summer.
Buttons and ribbons galore, waiting to adorn a quilt or wall hanging. Just patiently waiting for their turn to be stitched. They remind me to keep piecing and creating. Not one trim left behind is my motto.
Thanks for the hint about the buttons. I think it looks great. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am happy to welcome you as a follower. I am fairly new to the blogging world myself, so I have not figured everything out yet. The Bloggers quilt festival was a great way to meet other blogger/quilters. I look forward to seeing more of your creations.