I just loved this cup that comes with it's own little glass spoon. There is just one problem with it . . . the handle gets hot because there is lead in it . . . I just repurposed it to hold things near the sewing machine.
I guess this is where I explain that I had a Gall Bladder attack and have been forced to take a creative break while recovering. I am feeling much better but have not yet started to finish my market projects.
That being said, I have been embroidering my BOM from Bunny Hill Designs. Anne makes the cutest things and I am on block 6 with my Red work blocks. (Photos tomorrow)
I rarely make something just for me and I am quite pleased with the feeling that has come from this project. Thank you Anne for giving me a moment to pause and remember to love myself as well as my creativity.

I miss my sewing studio. It is a bedroom lined with wonderful things and shelves of course. I need to straighted it up but since I have lost two weeks at least to this fun adventure, I will put that off and just plunge ahead with confidence that I will be ready when the Black Truck pulls out of AZ, headed for Texas in October . . .

I am feeling so blessed as I rest and do basically nothing all day while my dear husband calls and wants to know what he can bring me or if I want him to come home and sit by my side. . . I just love this Sweet Guy . . .
Happy Quilting,