It is time to Pay it Forward. Go to your pattern stash and find the one you were dying to make. Now think of someone you know would love to find this in their mail box. Put in a cute note or a bit of fabric to go with it and send it off to make their day! Not only will your pile be lighter but you will gladden the heart of others when they recieve the surprise.
Having trouble picking? Just reach in and take the first one that you find. It doesn't need to be your favorite, just one that you would be happy to recieve.
This is your chance for a feel good moment . . . do not let it pass by, saying sometime I'll try, but go and do this today :-))
Sometimes we just need to smile at the thought of doing for others . . . paying it forward makes it all worth while . . . send a little love . . . we all need an angel to watch over us . . .
I have picked out a pattern and just need to decide who the luck recipient will be. Excellent idea.